Time for Day #6 spoilers for the Moonglow Yarn Co Advent calendar, The Asylum Fiber Knitting Winter Advent (purchased from The Knitting Place) or the Stitch Marker Advent Calendar from Firefly Notes.
If you’re not interested in having the advent calendars spoiled, please do not read ahead.
Asylum Fiber’s The Knitting Place Advent Calendar

This is the next color of the fade. If you’ll remember, my Radvent Cardigan looked like below yesterday. I added the above color stripe and will be showing more pictures later in the week. The construction is still kind of an enigma, so hopefully I will look more into that this week. I modified the sleeves to be a lot less wide, so this is still largely an experiment.

Moonglow Yarn Co

Colors are going darker again, as yesterday was a lighter rose color. A rainbow fade of the Moonglow Yarn Co Advent Calendar is going to be beautiful, I cannot wait to see the complete set. It is going to make an amazing wearable of some kind, I just need to figure out what would suit the yarn the best.
Firefly Notes Stitch Marker Advent Calendar
My daughter was very sure this one was going to be a dog, but it wasn’t. The fish marker for day #6 is a cute little fish. I am sure that when she sees it, she will be pleased.